Mr. V. Paranthaman
Senior Lecturer – Gr I

  • BA (Hons) University of Jaffna
  • MA in Linguistics University of Kelaniya
  • MA in Teaching English as a second Language (TESL)
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Linguistics
  • Reader of PhD in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
  • J/ Varany Idaikuruchchi Vidyalayam as an untrained English Teacher (From 1987 to 1991)
  • J/ Palaly Teachers’ College (Two Years Teacher training from 1991 to 1993) Special English Language Teaching, Trained.
  • J/ Kaithadi Vigneswara Vidyalayam (English Trained teacher)
  • J/ Navatkuli Maha Vidyalayam (English Trained From 1993 to 1998)
  • J/ Palaly Teachers’ College (Lecturer in English from 1999 to 2000)
  • Diploma in ELT (with Merit) University of Jaffna as a professional qualification during the teaching career.
  • University of Jaffna as an Instructor, Lecturer confirmed and now Senior Lecturer).


  1. Introducing the “Rauding Model” to Sri Lankan Undergraduates first time in the domestic context. By tailoring the above model, a specific intervention was designed to enhance the raudamatization skills of the low capacity L2 readers found in Faculty of Science of University of Jaffna.
  2. Presented a Research Paper on “Enhancing the grapho – phonemic competence of the low capacity L2 readers through the “Rauding Model” in the JUICE International conference conducted by University of Jaffna in 2014.
  3. “What is Rauding?” (Reflection on L2 Reading Research) was written and published by the author (V. Paranthaman) in 2021. (This book is a precise Research document which introduces ‘Rauding’ first time in Sri Lanka. It examines the burning issues related to L2 reading research and in what manner remedies to be identified to enhance the raudamatization skills of the low capacity L2 Readers found in the ESL population.
  4. Presented a research paper on ‘Grouping in undergraduate level ‘A Classroom based study on maximizing academic presentation skills in ESP contexts’ in the 8th International SLELTA conference on 3rd – 5th October 2014 at Sri Lanka foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  5. Presented a research paper on “Automatizing Context Schemata Supportive Strategies (C3S) – A Constructive Approach to L2 Reading Skills” during the 8th International SLELTA Conference on October 2014 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  6. Presented a research paper on “Attention Deduction Mechanism (ADM) for low capacity L2 Academic Readers (A Connectionist approach to automatize Text – Processing Capabilities)” at 2nd International Conference on Language and Literature studied on 18th of May, 2018 at Galle face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  7. Appeared as Session – Chair at 3rd International Conference conducted on 14th December, 2018 at Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  8. Presently working as the research promoter and guide of GARI (Global Academic Research Institute) while introducing the activities of GARI among the academics in Jaffna.
  9. Introduced an innovated ‘Taxonomy’ (Now known as “Paran’s Taxonomy” to automatize the text processing capabilities of the low capacity L2 readers in the undergraduate level. (This Taxonomy is the reflection of the current research study completed for the fulfillment of the MPhil in Linguistic in University of Jaffna.
  10. Designed and domestically applicable “Automatizing Training Programme” (ATP) which can be experimented with the low capacity L2 readers found in the undergraduate level.
  11. Reflecting on the above ‘Taxonomy’ and ATP, a new course material in the name of Automatizing L2 Academic Reading Skills was prepared to automatize the academic reading and text processing skills, and strategies of the undergraduates in the Science and Technology streams. By doing various tasks introduced in the material, they can automatize their comprehension monitoring competence (CMC) which is an essential skill to master their related study fields.

Reading for PhD in Teaching English as a second Language (TESL) at PGIE, Nawala, Nugegodda.

Authored many books during my professional career. Books are meant to be the academic windows through which our acquired knowledge can be ventilated and expanded to the future academics generation.
Given below are the books authored and compiled to facilitate the academic pathways of the new and younger generation.
1. Collection of Poems written in English
• Spume
• Awakening

2. Definition and Concept of Language (A Hand Book for Students)
3. Morpho-Syntactic aspect in ELT (A pedagogical approach to Descriptive Linguistics) study package I and II).
4. Guidelines to Anita Desai’s The Village by the Sea (A Pedagogical approach to English literature in secondary classes).
5. A study package for GCE A/L English Literature (New Syllabus) Pass notes on short stories and novels.
6. Course material for Science and Technology “Automatizing L2 Academic Reading Skills” March, 2020.
7. What is Rauding? (Reflection on L2 Reading Research) June, 2021.

Academic Books (Research Based) to be completed in the following years.
a) English Language Teaching Methods
(An Introduction to teaching English as a Second language (TESL).

b) Paran’s Taxonomy to Automatize L2 Academic Reading Skills (Moving towards an Automaticity Training Programme – ATP)

  • Disseminated the TESL related knowledge to the specific groups which attempt to improve the ELT conditions in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
  • Doing pilot studies in various districts to identify the causes for poor teaching and learning and recommending suggestions to improve the prevailing status of ELT.
  • Launched Diploma Programmes in ELT for non English Teachers of Northern Province collaborating with the Provincial Ministry of Education to fill the vacancies of the acute shortage of English teachers on state schools, particularly in rural areas.
  • Delivered lectures and conducted work shops to the Teacher Educators in College of Education (Jaffna) and ATI Vavuniya.
  • University test of English Language (UTEL) Coordinator for University of Jaffna and the member of the steering committee administered by UGC.
  • Member of the Test developers committee of UTEL.
  • Participated in several workshops conducted by the UTEL office.